Thursday, January 5, 2012

Essay #2

Worries the Changing World Must Face

Comparison to the Lyrics of the Song “Love Will Keep Us Alive” to My Life and the Lives of George and Lennie
An essay by: Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade english
Pine Point School
October 16, 2011

Have you ever worried about change? One of the lyrics in the song “Love will keep us Alive” talks about worry and change . The lyric can compare a lot to my life that is always changing and how I worry about it a lot. Also, in the book Of Mice and Men, George worries about Lennie and Lennie worries about the farm.  Everyone worries about change in sometime of their life.
TS: Change is like a never ending waterfall because change will never end. SD: My life right now is going through a very difficult change as I start my introduction to high school life. CD: Also, I am traveling more because of interviews and looking at many Broad (FAST) range schools. CD: Also, my life changes by studying harder for homework and tests. CD: For example, I am studying more for SSAT. My test and my school work is getting harder and as a result I must study more. SD: Also, my house is changing with my brother not being home, and my room and workspace are changing as my homework load gets larger each year. CM: For example, the interviews that I do for schools are very hard and worrisome because it is a lot of pressure to get into a good school. SD: Also as my schoolwork gets harder stress and worry come with getting it done. C: My life has many different changing aspects that can also make me worry from time to time.
     TS: There are many worries appearing (FAST) in Of Mice and Men that the characters must face.   SD: For example, George worries that Lennie will lose their jobs and they will have to escape again. CM: He worries that Lennie will do something do Curly’s wife or pick a fight with Curly himself. SD: George is not the only one that has worries. SD: Lennie also has worries in his life in Of Mice and Men. For example, in Of Mice and Men Lennie worries about not getting the rabbits and staying with GeorgeSD: In addition, Lennie has started to think about what happens if George leaves him. SD: In Of Mice and Men there is not just worry but also change. CM: For example, in the beginning of the novella (FAST)George and Lennie had no job but now they do. CM: Also, Slim saved them from losing their job when Curly attacked Lennie and that was the first time that someone did something for them. C: In the book in Of Mice and Men there is worry but also change.
Worry follows in the footsteps of change. In the book Of Mice and Men there are many changing aspects that include worry. For example, George worries that Lennie will lose their jobs by doing something bad. While Lennie worries about the farm and how he will care for the rabbits.
In addition to  Of Mice and Men, my life has a lot of change and worry. The changes in my life are that right now I am looking at new schools. All the schools I am looking at are boarding schools and this is a new experience for me. Also, I am now in my last year of middle school which also a new experience. Worry and change are intertwined with each other in every ones  lives.

1.) In this essay I was working on my conclusions because it was a little boring in the first essay.

2.) one strong point I see in my writing is my body paragraph.

3.) one possible weak point is that some of my sentences are missing commentary sentences.

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