Thursday, January 5, 2012

visit #2

The second time I went to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, it was all about cans! Donations were coming in from the Mystic Seaport and the PNC was flooded with cans, cans, and more cans of all shape and size. The other volunteers and I were checking the dates on the cans because sometimes the canned food was expired. It appears that when people are making donations they sometimes throw in things they might have in the back of the pantry, and they don’t even look at the dates. The most expired date I saw was 2002 on a can of soup. That can definitely went into the trash while others from 2011 went on the free table. The “free table” is when the clients of the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center know that they can take as much food as they want, but what they are taking is expired and that there is a chance that it is moldy. Despite that there are a lot of people who take food from the “free table”. Now that I have learned this information I will be more careful when I donate food and always make sure that it is not expired. I can’t wait to go back again and learn more about a world that needs all of our help.

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