Thursday, January 5, 2012

Essay #4

Wise Ideas To Be Said During School:
The Meaning Of the Quote “Study hard, think quietly, talk gently”
An Essay by: Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School
November 7, 2011
        Have you ever heard a quote by William Channing, “Study hard, Think quietly, talk gently”?  William Channing’s quote was told to students across the world in many different ways and meanings. It has been told to advise the students so they can work harder in school and be better scholars.  Also, for each part of the quote there is a different meaning and a new idea to think of.
        The first part is to “study hard” and this is something all students must do during the year. They especially have to study for tests and exams during school. To study hard is to make sure you know the material backwards and forwards. In addition, the second part of the quote is to “think quietly”. You might be told this to not speak during something that is important. It could also mean that you must think for yourself and not take others ideas or not tell other people your ideas. Finally the last part is “talk gently”. This could mean to speak in a kind voice maybe when someone gets something wrong. Also, the phrase could mean to not gossip about someone behind their back. For each part of the quote there are infinite amount of meanings that I have not said, but will be continually said through almost every school.
        In our English class at Pine Point School we follow some of the meanings of the quote “Study hard, Think quietly, Talk gently.” For example, our teacher always makes sure that we are able to study hard for tests and exams by giving us all our materials. Also, we say ideas but we make sure that we don’t take other peoples ideas and we also think quietly in our heads. In addition, we never gossip about other people in English class and we always say nice things to people that might be having trouble with something in class. Pine Point School is one of those schools that are a great example of “Study hard, Think quietly, Talk gently.”

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