Thursday, January 5, 2012

Essay #6

Two Quotes So Many Meanings:
Meanings From a Quote From the Song “Wavin’ Flag” and From To kill a Mockingbird
An Essay By Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School
December 15, 2011

waving the American flag
Two quotes can relate to many things. Some quotes can relate to books and others can relate to objects or people you see in you every day life.  It is the same for the quote form the song “Wavin’ Flag’ can relate to the book To Kill a Mockingbird. While a quote from the book To Kill a Mockingbird can relate to real life.
To Kill A Mockingbird book
TS: The quote “And then it goes back and then it goes back” from the song “Wavin’ Flag”
can relate in many ways to To Kill a Mockingbird. SD: One of the ways the quote relates to the To Kill a Mockingbird is that each chapter seems to go back to something. CS: That something seems to be for the first few chapters was Boo Radley. For exampleJem and scout have there games centered around Boo Radley. Also, one of the games they play is make believe game of the stories of his life. Everything seems to go back to him in the way that Jem and scout get in trouble with Atticus a lot because of the games. SD: The other thing that the story goes back to is Miss Maudie. CS: For example, burning and smoldering her house crashed down like a felled tree but the rest of the houses did not come down by the blaze. CS: Also, she was the only one to be changed by the fire in any way that would result in  her living style being changed. C: The story seems to revolve around the stories of Jem, Scout, Boo Radley, and Miss Maudie.
TS: In the book there is also a quote that really makes you think about maybe your own life. SD: For example, have you ever had you parents tell you that they knew a lot more than they tell you. CS: In a way Miss Maudie is almost like a family figure in Scouts life because she goes to her for advice but doesn’t tell you all of it. Also, she helps Scout have fun when Jem and Dill are not around to play and she always makes sure that she is alright. SD: She asks about her father and the things around her and in that way Miss Maudie is almost like a mother or her grandmother. CS: For example, she asked about her father and how was he interesting. Also she would go to her when Jem and Dill weren’t playing with her. CS: Jumping and leaping the girl ran towards the house. SD: her words that she spoke were ones of mystery and also of age. CS: Many people when they get older know more things or seen more things then younger people. C: I wonder what Miss Maudie experienced in her life to make her say those words?
So many quotes so many meanings. The two quotes for this essay had so much meaning relating to objects in this world and also to Scout’s world. The “Wavin’ flag” quote really should how they seemed to go back to certain characters in To Kill a Mocking bird and the other quote really related to real life. While each quote had so many meanings and so many ways to look at them.

Self assessment
1.) one possible week point is that I think I need to do better on explaining more for ideas I have for the body paragraphs. Also, I need to organize my ideas better.
2.) one possible strong point I think is my introduction. I really tried to hook readers in to my paragraph.
3.) I am continuing to work on my concluding paragraph and how it shouldn’t be boring.

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