Thursday, January 5, 2012

Essay #2

Worries the Changing World Must Face

Comparison to the Lyrics of the Song “Love Will Keep Us Alive” to My Life and the Lives of George and Lennie
An essay by: Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade english
Pine Point School
October 16, 2011

Have you ever worried about change? One of the lyrics in the song “Love will keep us Alive” talks about worry and change . The lyric can compare a lot to my life that is always changing and how I worry about it a lot. Also, in the book Of Mice and Men, George worries about Lennie and Lennie worries about the farm.  Everyone worries about change in sometime of their life.
TS: Change is like a never ending waterfall because change will never end. SD: My life right now is going through a very difficult change as I start my introduction to high school life. CD: Also, I am traveling more because of interviews and looking at many Broad (FAST) range schools. CD: Also, my life changes by studying harder for homework and tests. CD: For example, I am studying more for SSAT. My test and my school work is getting harder and as a result I must study more. SD: Also, my house is changing with my brother not being home, and my room and workspace are changing as my homework load gets larger each year. CM: For example, the interviews that I do for schools are very hard and worrisome because it is a lot of pressure to get into a good school. SD: Also as my schoolwork gets harder stress and worry come with getting it done. C: My life has many different changing aspects that can also make me worry from time to time.
     TS: There are many worries appearing (FAST) in Of Mice and Men that the characters must face.   SD: For example, George worries that Lennie will lose their jobs and they will have to escape again. CM: He worries that Lennie will do something do Curly’s wife or pick a fight with Curly himself. SD: George is not the only one that has worries. SD: Lennie also has worries in his life in Of Mice and Men. For example, in Of Mice and Men Lennie worries about not getting the rabbits and staying with GeorgeSD: In addition, Lennie has started to think about what happens if George leaves him. SD: In Of Mice and Men there is not just worry but also change. CM: For example, in the beginning of the novella (FAST)George and Lennie had no job but now they do. CM: Also, Slim saved them from losing their job when Curly attacked Lennie and that was the first time that someone did something for them. C: In the book in Of Mice and Men there is worry but also change.
Worry follows in the footsteps of change. In the book Of Mice and Men there are many changing aspects that include worry. For example, George worries that Lennie will lose their jobs by doing something bad. While Lennie worries about the farm and how he will care for the rabbits.
In addition to  Of Mice and Men, my life has a lot of change and worry. The changes in my life are that right now I am looking at new schools. All the schools I am looking at are boarding schools and this is a new experience for me. Also, I am now in my last year of middle school which also a new experience. Worry and change are intertwined with each other in every ones  lives.

1.) In this essay I was working on my conclusions because it was a little boring in the first essay.

2.) one strong point I see in my writing is my body paragraph.

3.) one possible weak point is that some of my sentences are missing commentary sentences.

Essay #3

These are some areas I need to continue working on:
1.  titles (red)
2. making sure each sentence is totally clear and smooth (orange)
3. avoiding the kind of small mistakes that you should be able to catch (yellow)
4. using transitions to lead the reader from one big idea to the next (green)
5. making sure the last sentence in a paragraph is really interesting and memorable (aqua)
6. combining short sentences to make the writing smoother (blue)

Reaching out a Helping Hand:
An Essay About Helping Other Human Beings In My Life and in Of Mice and Men
An Essay by: Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School
reaching out a helping hand
“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.” Jesse Jackson. The song “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” talks about helping others around us that are our family and other people you might not know. My life can compare to the lyrics of the song and  John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men contains characters that are similar to the lyrics. Both my life and the lives that George any Lennie lead in Of Mice and Men are filled with reaching out a helping hand to others.
Helping people when they are confused
TS: In my life I have helped people.SD: For example, when I was in the lower school I helped the extended day people with preschoolers by playing with them and watching them after school. CM: If one of the older kids had homework I would help them. CM: In addition, I would watch them if an adult wasn’t there. CM: I was sad when I was incapable of playing with them at extended day when I moved up into middle school. SD: In addition to helping people out of my grade, I also help my own classmates. CM: I sometimes help them with their homework when they get stuck on a problem they can’t figure out. CM: Also, on occasion when they were confused about something in school. For example, if they didn’t know where to go for some activitie I would be there to help.SD:Also, In 6th grade Mia and I helped everyone with there history journal for class. CM: Mia and I had all the dates for everything and so they all asked us for help. C:It was a very pleasing experience to help my classmates and other people during the past years and past few days in my life.
TS: In the book Of Mice and Men, George helped Lennie and Slim helped George. SD: One way that George helped Lennie was that he always made sure they had a job and food. SD: In Addition, George would tell Lennie stories about what would happen after they got enough money to buy their own farm. CM:The stories made Lennie have hope for the future and it also kept him content with his life. SD: George also killed Lennie with friendship so Lennie would not know fear. SD: Also, when George needed to talk to someone and Slim was their for him. CM: For example, Slim was also there when Lennie died to get George back on his feet. C: In Of Mice and Men George, Slim, and Lennie helped each other with achieving the rare goal they shared together.
Like what the Rachel’s Challenge people said “Reaching out your hand to others can change lives and how they view the world.” In the lives of George and Lennie everything was changed because of their friendship to each other. Also the Friendship that Slim and George had helped George make it through taking care of Lennie. In addition my life a helped the extended day care people and it felt great to help. If only more people would help each other without a price then the world would be a better place.

1) I am continuing to work on my conclusion paragraph. Also, I must remember to make all important words in my titles are capitalized.

2) One possible strong point I see is that I tried something different for the concluding and introducing paragraphs. I used quotes to start of each paragraph.

3) one possible weak point is my last sentence for the introduction it is kind of boring and also some of my sentences are un clear to the reader. I can make my sentences smother by combing some of them and using transition words.

Essay #4

Wise Ideas To Be Said During School:
The Meaning Of the Quote “Study hard, think quietly, talk gently”
An Essay by: Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School
November 7, 2011
        Have you ever heard a quote by William Channing, “Study hard, Think quietly, talk gently”?  William Channing’s quote was told to students across the world in many different ways and meanings. It has been told to advise the students so they can work harder in school and be better scholars.  Also, for each part of the quote there is a different meaning and a new idea to think of.
        The first part is to “study hard” and this is something all students must do during the year. They especially have to study for tests and exams during school. To study hard is to make sure you know the material backwards and forwards. In addition, the second part of the quote is to “think quietly”. You might be told this to not speak during something that is important. It could also mean that you must think for yourself and not take others ideas or not tell other people your ideas. Finally the last part is “talk gently”. This could mean to speak in a kind voice maybe when someone gets something wrong. Also, the phrase could mean to not gossip about someone behind their back. For each part of the quote there are infinite amount of meanings that I have not said, but will be continually said through almost every school.
        In our English class at Pine Point School we follow some of the meanings of the quote “Study hard, Think quietly, Talk gently.” For example, our teacher always makes sure that we are able to study hard for tests and exams by giving us all our materials. Also, we say ideas but we make sure that we don’t take other peoples ideas and we also think quietly in our heads. In addition, we never gossip about other people in English class and we always say nice things to people that might be having trouble with something in class. Pine Point School is one of those schools that are a great example of “Study hard, Think quietly, Talk gently.”

Essay #6

Two Quotes So Many Meanings:
Meanings From a Quote From the Song “Wavin’ Flag” and From To kill a Mockingbird
An Essay By Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School
December 15, 2011

waving the American flag
Two quotes can relate to many things. Some quotes can relate to books and others can relate to objects or people you see in you every day life.  It is the same for the quote form the song “Wavin’ Flag’ can relate to the book To Kill a Mockingbird. While a quote from the book To Kill a Mockingbird can relate to real life.
To Kill A Mockingbird book
TS: The quote “And then it goes back and then it goes back” from the song “Wavin’ Flag”
can relate in many ways to To Kill a Mockingbird. SD: One of the ways the quote relates to the To Kill a Mockingbird is that each chapter seems to go back to something. CS: That something seems to be for the first few chapters was Boo Radley. For exampleJem and scout have there games centered around Boo Radley. Also, one of the games they play is make believe game of the stories of his life. Everything seems to go back to him in the way that Jem and scout get in trouble with Atticus a lot because of the games. SD: The other thing that the story goes back to is Miss Maudie. CS: For example, burning and smoldering her house crashed down like a felled tree but the rest of the houses did not come down by the blaze. CS: Also, she was the only one to be changed by the fire in any way that would result in  her living style being changed. C: The story seems to revolve around the stories of Jem, Scout, Boo Radley, and Miss Maudie.
TS: In the book there is also a quote that really makes you think about maybe your own life. SD: For example, have you ever had you parents tell you that they knew a lot more than they tell you. CS: In a way Miss Maudie is almost like a family figure in Scouts life because she goes to her for advice but doesn’t tell you all of it. Also, she helps Scout have fun when Jem and Dill are not around to play and she always makes sure that she is alright. SD: She asks about her father and the things around her and in that way Miss Maudie is almost like a mother or her grandmother. CS: For example, she asked about her father and how was he interesting. Also she would go to her when Jem and Dill weren’t playing with her. CS: Jumping and leaping the girl ran towards the house. SD: her words that she spoke were ones of mystery and also of age. CS: Many people when they get older know more things or seen more things then younger people. C: I wonder what Miss Maudie experienced in her life to make her say those words?
So many quotes so many meanings. The two quotes for this essay had so much meaning relating to objects in this world and also to Scout’s world. The “Wavin’ flag” quote really should how they seemed to go back to certain characters in To Kill a Mocking bird and the other quote really related to real life. While each quote had so many meanings and so many ways to look at them.

Self assessment
1.) one possible week point is that I think I need to do better on explaining more for ideas I have for the body paragraphs. Also, I need to organize my ideas better.
2.) one possible strong point I think is my introduction. I really tried to hook readers in to my paragraph.
3.) I am continuing to work on my concluding paragraph and how it shouldn’t be boring.

Essay #5

From Spies to Fries:
My Thoughts on the 8th Grade Field Trip to Washington DC
  An Essay by Ashlyn Buffum
8th Grade English
Pine Point School

In our Washington DC Trip we did everything. From spies to fries and from memorial to memorial we learned about our country’s history. In my mind this trip was the best one in Pine Point. All the places where we went were my favorite but there were some that were really special.

Seeing the sites at Mt.Vernon
TS: My favorite part of the trip was going to Mt. Vernon and seeing Washington’s house and the things he might have seen when he was alive. SD: The objects that we saw were remarkable, for each one was placed almost in the exact way that Washington left them. CS: We also saw things that people don’t normally see like the basement and the attic. CS: In the basement we saw the winery and also some of the old foundation, which was from the old farm house. SD: However my favorite site we saw at Mt. Vernon was seeing Washington’s tomb. CS: I think that was the closest I have ever come to a man from American History. CS: I was especially  close when they opened the gates and Mia and Christian laid a wreath in the tomb. SD: Not only were the places where we went wonderful, but also the tour was awesome to. CS: The tour guide gave so much information about Washington’s home and his accomplishments that it was overwhelming. SD: Besides the house and the wonderful tour they showed us a   movie they showed us was impressive. CS: The movie showed was about Washington’s successes with special effects. CS: For example, there was smoke machines and our chairs would move with canon fire. SD: Another Favorite of mine during the trip was the Spy Museum. CS: At the Spy museum we cracked codes and solved a case. CS: We also picked nicknames for each other. SD: The exhibits weren’t bad either with the air vent that we could crawl through. CS: Also, James Bond’s car and other objects that spies from movies to real life have used over the years. C: There are so many good events about this trip to DC in every spot we went to.
The Iwo Jima Memorial 
TS: Another thing that made this trip the best was having so much freedom during the day. SD: My friends and I could hang out at where ever we stopped for lunch or dinner. SD: In addition, we could chat when we were walking between memorial from museum and on the bus. SD: We also had a lot of freedom at the 4h center where we could go down to the game room until 10:00 and have lights out at 10:30. CS: Having so much time with my friends on this trip was one of the things that really made this trip the greatest in the years of Pine Point. SD: In addition, the memorials were also really cool. My favorite was my memorial. CS: The Iwo Jima memorial was huge and it looked breathtaking in the hours of darkness. CS: It was also really nice to hear about the memorials from my classmates speeches. C: Everyone one did a great job on their speeches and projects. I loved DC!
In our Washington DC trip we traveled across time to the past. We saw Washington’s house, the Holocuast, and other war memorials. At every monument, museum, and painting history came to life and told its story. This trip was the best and most exciting adventure.
Self assessment

1) My weakest part of the essay is my wording. I need to use more interesting words and not use just simple and regular words.

2) One possible strong point is my Introduction paragraph. The paragraph hooks the reader into the essay and explains what I’m going to talk about without to much detail.

3) I’m continuing to work on my body paragraphs. I need to organize my thoughts better and make sure that everything is clear.

visit #2

The second time I went to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, it was all about cans! Donations were coming in from the Mystic Seaport and the PNC was flooded with cans, cans, and more cans of all shape and size. The other volunteers and I were checking the dates on the cans because sometimes the canned food was expired. It appears that when people are making donations they sometimes throw in things they might have in the back of the pantry, and they don’t even look at the dates. The most expired date I saw was 2002 on a can of soup. That can definitely went into the trash while others from 2011 went on the free table. The “free table” is when the clients of the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center know that they can take as much food as they want, but what they are taking is expired and that there is a chance that it is moldy. Despite that there are a lot of people who take food from the “free table”. Now that I have learned this information I will be more careful when I donate food and always make sure that it is not expired. I can’t wait to go back again and learn more about a world that needs all of our help.

Day 1

When I woke up on the morning of my first scheduled visit, I was a little nervous at first but when I got there it was great. My mom drove me to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center early on the first Saturday morning of winter break. As I walked into the building they were having a meeting about what they were going to do today. So I signed in and went over to talk to Mrs.Granato. Mrs. Granato is a very nice lady and she gave me a run down on what they were doing and how I could help. She set me at ease. Then the work began! first I was checking the bags for the fruit and vegetables for holes. Then after all the bags were checked I went over to putting apples in a bag. For each bag there were three apples and three oranges. Soon we ran out of apples and we moved on to packing boxes. As each box was stacked full of food I felt and accomplishment because I new those boxes were going to somebody who needed them. At about 11:30 I signed out and left feeling good.