Monday, October 10, 2011

Essay # 1

      Someone to Lean on
Comparison between My Life and George and Lennie’s Lives to the song “Lean on me”.
                    An essay by:  Ashlyn Buffum
                    8th grade English
                    Pine Point school
                    September 28,2011
“Sometimes in our life, we all have pain. We all have sorrow.” Have you ever been comforted when you were sad or needed help? The song “Lean On Me” is about the sorrow and the pain of life but reminds us that we can “lean” on others for support. In this song there are many lyrics that can  relate to my own life and the life that George and Lennie lead in the book Of Mice and Men.
     “Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.” This line of the song “Lean On Me” makes me think of the relationship that George and Lennie have in the book Of Mice and Men. George helps Lennie by finding food and shelter for him. In addition, he helps Lennie by protecting him from people or things that might want to harm him. Also he gets jobs for Lennie and makes sure that they ready for anything. George is the one person that Lennie can depend on to help him when he is not strong. Many parts of the lyrics to the song compare to my own life but one line in particular is very similar. “I just might have a problem, that you’ll understand, we all need somebody to, lean on.”  This piece of the song makes me think of my parents and how they help me through my life. For example, they take care of me when I am hurt. They are there for me every time I have a query about homework. They are like my beacon of light that helps me become the person I am today because they are always there in my life cheering me on, or helping me with school. “And I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on, for it won’t be long, ‘til I’m gonna need, somebody to lean on.” This part of the song can compare to my friends and I. When my parents are not there my friends are. For example, my friends always cheer for me the hardest on the sidelines in any sport, cheer me up at school if I am sad with jokes and laughter, and they help me laugh freely throughout the day. My parents are there for me out of school and my friends are there for me in school. George and Lennie’s lives and also mine can compare in many ways to the song “Lean On Me”.
     the song“Lean on me” can compare to my life and the life George and Lennie lead. For example, my life can compare because of my parents and friends. My friends cheer me on in anything I do and help me smile during the day. Also, my family is always their when I am in need of help with school work or anything else. In addition to my life, George and Lennie’s lives are also related to the song. George always takes care of Lennie, and  is the only one Lennie can rely on. Everybody will always have someone they can lean on or depend on in their life.

Ashlyn Buffum

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